And I don't mean that metaphorically. On internship, I walked through a large, inflatable colon. When I arrived at church this morning, a large, pink, inflatable, walk through colon greeted me in the parking lot. My internship site parish, regularly hosts health seminars sponsored by the University of Tennessee Hospitals. Today's seminar just so happens to be on colon health, and so the inflatable colon made its trip to Messiah.
These seminars are a huge hit in the community. On seminar days our parking lot is filled, as hundreds of members of the local community show up for the seminar and their chance to walk through the colon. It is probably the most attended event offered here at Messiah. Many of the people who come to the health seminars are not members of the church. These seminars are one of the ways in which our church is open to and connected to the community and world. And I think the popularity of these seminars illustrates the need for the church to be in tune with the larger communities and its concerns and needs.
I must admit that demographics of the seminar attendees is on the older side. However, that did not stop our Children's Center kids from getting in on the fun. Enjoy the pictures and remember that sometimes the church is called to walk through large, inflatable colons.
God's Peace,